Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1- National Poetry month

I am going to do my BEST to write a poem a day this month.  Maybe I can get back into my groove.  Writing has always been my go-to.  I am just going to put my fingers on the keyboard and  GO

Morning comes too early
My brain tells my body


But my body
Unwilling to leave
the soft warm comfort of my bedcovers

I think  about what needs to be done
and how little time I have to do it all
before I have to climb in my car
and join thousands of other cars
(Well maybe not thousands but it feels like it)
snaking down the long path
to downtown LA

and panic a little.

I tell myself
It's just another morning
I leave a sleeping man
go downstairs
 make coffee
and try to write something
that makes me feel
more courageous
or content
or to get my brain back on track

It's not working this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Well, this might not help youTODAY, but perhaps inspire you for the future:
    I had a BAD night, for some reason, couldn't get to sleep, the cats were restless, I kept waking up and from horrible dreams (from WHERE in my psyche does this horror and violence spring?) And so when I finally dfid wake up shortly after NIEN THIRTY, Rbyn, my thoughts were, "THANK YOU GOD< I am retired and can sleep in like this!" And I still thought 9:30-something was TOO DAMN EARLY!


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