Friday, April 19, 2019

April 18 and 19

Ok.  I'm a day behind, but yesterday I was SO SICK, I could barely make it.  Thankfully I had some anti nausea meds and LOTS of ginger-ale,  Chris fed me a sandwich and I fell asleep.  I would STILL be asleep if I hadn't had twenty million things to do..

It's hard
when you are driving
not to look at the clouds
and appreciate the patterns

Spring days with bright
fluffy clouds
that are like angels dancing
or cars flying
or dogs chasing

In winter
I look at clouds
searching for thunderheads
and possible signs
of how much rain
we will get
when the clouds
release their load

But in Spring
the clouds
are welcome fairies
on the blue background
of the blue sky

1 comment:

  1. And here I thought I was the only one who had Canada Dry diet ginger ale as a pantry mainstay!


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