Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April 3

has been putting
her shiny pink glasses on my eyes again

I look back
to the day when I would wake
in my sunny Summer bedroom
after a night of untroubled sleep
the day would stretch her lazy arm out at me
beckoning ADVENTURE

Swimming in the local pool
riding our bikes
and stretching out on somebody's parents' lawn
we would lie on our backs
our bikes splayed out around us
we would guess the shapes in the clouds
and talk about a future
shaped by television shows
and the novels we were allowed to read

I think of that girl
and wonder
would she like the woman
that she has become.

1 comment:

  1. I have some old photographs, fading fast (like me) of that little boy sitting on the back lawn hugging one or more of the cocker spaniels, all cute and trusting eyes. Would HE like the grown up I have become? Did he think this is how it would all turn out? Actually, I cannot even remember thinking at all about the future - beyond a day or two.


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