Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9

and I want to look out my window
and see what the day is like,
but my window
looks out on a building next door
where my car-obsessed neighbors
rev their motors
honk and curse each other.

One day
I might
look out on a soft garden
with birds
and butterflies
and ease into a day
of calm

but for now
the frantic pace of my neighbors
sets the tone.

1 comment:

  1. Or, at 6:15, on a day I don't have to get up, and had planned to sleep in, two cats come bounding into the room, onto the bed, demanding breakfast. Although SMudge does take a moment or two to look out the window, eyeing the birds, casing a potential hunt later on. Sigh.
    BUT, being retired (hint, hint, I go back to bed after I feed them (they have not eaten in almost three hours, so are no doubt starving to death!) and fall asleep again until after TEN! Although, not, I am sad to say, from the great dream I had been having at 6.........


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