Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Short thoughts

I am trying to read Mary Trump's book.  it is excellent, well written and really lays out why Donald, as she calls him, is the way he is.  what an awful family.  I keep having to put the book down when I finish a chapter. I have this "thing" where, if I don't want to spend time on a character, I don't read the book, no matter how "important" the book is to read. It's a push-back from my days as a lit major, where you HAD to read  so many "good" books that were more like slogging waist-high through mud than enjoyment.  The difference is I WANT to read Mary's book; I just HATE the characters.  I am only on Donald's teenage years. I suspect it gets worse.

I am stuck in the house and feeling trapped these days.  Chris does his best AND I have a telephone appointment with my doctor today, but the asthma is worse.  I blame stress.  I am wheezing and coughing more.  NORMALLY, we would have gone away for the weekend, but that is not possible at this juncture.  I need to find an outlet.  Still hopeful but this is the pits.

I see the Big Pharma companies are more concerned with how much they will MAKE for saving humankind than actually saving humankind.  Typical.  They only want to save those who can pay for it.

I saw Sweden - I think it was Sweden- said their experiment in herd immunity was not as successful as they had hoped.  I have to see it that was just another article of Facebook misdirection.  Honestly, triple checking stuff gets exhausting.

I am going to try to listen to a good book if all goes as planned today.  My house in 29 is still in an uproar, but there is hope on the horizon. Think a good thought for me!

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