Thursday, December 10, 2020

Happy Hanukah and all that Jazz

 I think it starts tonight?  Last Night?  not sure but eight nights of celebration.  I have a friend who says that most Jewish holidays  revolve around the idea "They tried to kill us, LET'S EAT"  I think that's good.  Better than the holidays of  Christianity which involve a lot of churching up  ( now- before you get at me about that, take a look at the Christian holidays.  you've gotta go to CHURCH before you can eat- you KNOW it's true.  Not BAD just true.)

I think about comedian Dennis Wolfberg, who used to say someone in all earnestness wished him a Happy Chaka Khan. It's the thought that counts, right?   Here's where my usual holiday wheeze begins

Merry Christmas.  The Trump train and all its passengers says there is a "War on Christmas"  WHAT?  Has Christmas been cancelled, shut in a box where we may never see red and green Santas again????    No .It has not.  The thing that gets their tighty-whities in a bunch is being asked to be considerate of  people who don't celebrate CHRISTMAS, but celebrate some other Winter holiday ( there ARE a lot of them, apparently humans need something to do in the time we are stuck indoors)  Somehow, Christians seem to think they are the ONLY people on the planet and can't understand why wishing someone a Happy Holidya-they-don't- celebrate MIGHT be annoyingly inappropriate.

By aligning himself with the Christian Right and their War on Christmas shtick , Trump has branded himself the Savior of Christianity - and repeats that he is the Second Coming.  His wife however is salty about having to oversee the decorations for F-ing Christmas, so there you are with THAT family in a nutshell

Back to it,  I LOVE the Winter Holidays.  If there weren't a pandemic raging right now, I would be having friends in for latkes this weekend and would be looking to celebrate the season in every way possible.  Winter is a time for reflection and since my mad whirl of cookie baking and parties is NOT happening, I am going to try to focus on what is really important ( no, not my Christmas lasagna or the fudgies)   I am not writing Christmas cards, but will reach out to my friends in some way, starting here.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  More tomorrow.



  1. Well, SHeesh! I sent YOU a card, Robyn!

  2. Yeah, in fact, TWICE so far! HMPH!


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