Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How do we spend the time

 It's lockdown again.  Who thought in March when they sent us home, we would be looking at this sad holiday season?  I thought maybe a month or two.  I had no clear understanding, obviously of the severity of the virus and the mass stupidity of humans.  The ones who need to be sent to live in a commune by themselves are the  "you can't make me wear a mask, it's my freedom not to" people. they should have trump be in charge.  No doctors, just let herd immunity take over.  See how well THAT works, as apparently  you don't actually GET immunity once you've had this.

so.  we wait.

I read a meme that said you will come out of this a monk , a chunk or a drunk.   I am between the first two, although I HAVE been making different alcohols and plan on making Kahlua this weekend ( that's MONK-LIKE, right, they made wine and stuff???)

I have been baking and playing "Chopped kitchen"  with dinner.  We order from local restaurants- not as often as we used to GO there- and  I need to take a look at my reading list.  I signed up to be an ARC reader and reviewer and it is interesting to try to say something different about each book, why you should read it or pass on it.  Some are better than others, but I am enjoying them.  I also finally figured out how to get my books on the Kindle.  Not a HUGE fan of it, but it will do.

I am trying to write.  I thought of a short- short story last night when I was trying , and failing, to fall asleep.  We will see if it makes it past the drafting stage.   

I read a book called Keynote for the ARC.  It was a series of vignettes, with one or two narrators.  I kept waiting for the stories to somehow connect, but they didn't at least to me.  It reminded me of a short story class I had in college. One guy wrote a series of stories which were about a guy and a girl he read them every class as we were supposed to do.  One week it was the guy, one week the girl. You just KNEW they would meet at some point and there would be a grand.. something..that happened.  they met alright.  They passed each other on a path and noted the other person, and did not interact.  At all.  It was so ..disappointing ( I want to say like bad sex, all build up and no climax, but that might be offensive, heck I'll say it)  I hope my story will at least be food for thought.

Going to do a wee bit of baking for Christmas, but not on my usual grand scale.  I need to see what Chris might like  other than fudgies which are a GIVEN.  I hope to bake with Bob.  I don't know when that will be.

I am hopeful for the new year and the new president.  I am hopeful for the vaccine, although the outgoing administration BLEW that one as well. ( Follow the money, they probably didn't invest in the company that ultimately made it)

Staying at home, working from home.  I long for Spring and freedom and the end of this pandemic.  WEAR THE FREAKING MASK!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps having this enforced retirement is better in some ways. I just find I am sleeping more and more, and yes, definitely a chunk, which is sort of turning me into a monk, but not yet a drunk. Although I have a great, great fondness for Canada Dry diet ginger ale, and get pissy if I can't find 6 packs at the Ralph's! I am not rally getting into the Christmas spirit - I mean, I am enjoying reaching out to friends and acquaintances with what I thought is THE perfect card for this year. AND I am even doing some decorating - for myself and the cats, obviously. AND too much online shopping.
    As far as the political climate, the end of this "presidency" cannot come fast enough! He is become more deranged, which one expects, but it scares me to see the rest of the republicans in congress mostly stand by and tacitly support him by their silence. Someone has written a book about Shakespeare adn trump. Yes, this is like the fifth act of the play where the mad king refuses to leave, but refuses to govern.
    Well, I got out my Christmas Spode and am enjoying that and remembering my mother, so that is always pleasant.


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