Thursday, December 3, 2020

More political ranting

 This year, this terrible year, is seeing itself out.  I am trying my best to remain hopeful in the last Clown-Car days of the Trump Administration.  He is one crazy MF and he is taking the Scorched Earth policy to heart.  Last night on Rachel Maddow, she compared what he is doing to the Governor of Tennessee in the 1970's  He was a corrupt person who used the office to enrich his family and sold pardons to inmates.  When he lost he pardoned a bunch of career criminals.  Via a little know hiccup in the State law, they were able to swear in the NEW Governor ahead of the scheduled date, thereby avoiding any further "pardons"  Sadly.  the date of the Presidential transfer is bound by the Constitution ( unlike, apparently Mr. Trump himself, who seems to take the laws set forth therein as "Suggestions")   Trump himself went on a 45 minute TIRADE last night on Facebook, repeatedly insisting that all the debunked crackpot theories were TRUE TRUE TRUE  and he had WON.  ( I didn't watch but a few minutes of it.  His hair was even blonder and pointier than it was last week.  I guess the "Look how gray I have become in service to you" ploy didn't work out as well as he had hoped and he is back to that hideous dye job.)

So we hang on.  It looks like Mike Pence is trying to salvage his political career and is backing off Trumps most outlandish claims.  Anyone want to bet they are trying to convince Trump to resign to avoid Federal prosecution?   He still has the State to contend with.  I wonder what country he will flee to.  It looks like his kids are all in trouble as well and it's falling apart.  

I take no glee in all of this, really.  This is OUR country and trump and his minions have spent a great deal of time and money over the last six or more years, sowing seeds of hate and division ( I am counting the whole birther movement and the crap about illegals voting BEFORE her ran for office.)  It is shameful.  a president serves ALL of us.  It is not supposed to be a "punish the side who lost" system.  No matter how you feel, you are supposed to do the best you can to make this nation a better place, NOT feather your own nest, nor try to get in the good graces of people you feel will help your BUSINESS. 

48 days.   I know we are counting it down.  Fasten your seatbelts.  It's going to be a bumpy night.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try again, as my comments on December 1's post are frozen. Anyway, I do agree with you a million % - I want to see a lot of them in jail (AKA PRISON!) trumpty turd and rudi are past embarrassing themselves, but continue to do so.

    SO, I never watch The View, but I saw a clip and here's what Whoopi Goldberg and I say - so, if the ballots are invalid, then do Mitch and Lindsey and off of them realize, they were not yet re-elected either? Or is only the top part of the ballot invalid? In a way, I'd like to see some states havedo-overs, I am not so sure Miss Linsey would win right now.

    This is sad, #45 is going way way over the edge more and more so, and his party seems to b OK with that. And he wants to do as much damage as he can on the way out. I knew he wouldn't go quietly, but I never thought it could be this bad. In any other country, he might be taken away and slapped into a padded cell. I want to see his kids tried and found way guilty!



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