Monday, December 28, 2020

Twenty-three and one half days of this BS

 I am looking forward to the removal of the Orange Menace on January 20. He STILL has not conceded and I doubt he ever will.  He and his followers and delusional.  I personally think it's the end of his con job to bilk as much from them as he possible can.  the rich aren't sending money- well maybe they are there was that guy who sent a million to help in the "legal fight" only to find the people he sent it to had folded their tents and left town.  Still pensioners are being asked to send 5 dollars to help him in his legal challenge, when the money is REALLY going to pay off his debts ( read the fine print, folks)

I had a disturbing discussion with a friend who is a VERY observant Jew.  She is a Trump supporter and she went on and on about his "peace accord" and how there were menorahs on display in formerly Muslim Countries and how THAT was the reason he should stay in power.  I knew there was no dissuading her, but I wondered about the children at the American borders, being taken from their families, the  Exit from the Paris accords, the devastation of American National parks in the name of mining, the changes in the laws that make it easier and LEGAL for Corporations to abuse and fire employees, the lack of help for the truly poor in this country.  so yeah, a "Peace accord", basically a promise not to fight,  where there is NO WAR GOING ON.  Yeah  Ok.  got it.  That thing won't be worth the paper it's written on once he is gone.  Whatever The son-in-law promised them won't be available after January 20. I am looking at my friend in a new light.  We work together and I like her, but she is a single issue voter and the issue is so small, I am curious.  Sure, peace in the Middle East is important.  But so are the issues here at home.  Somehow, there is a faction of the Republican Party who seem to have descended from the Puritans, who believe that being poor si a sin and a punishment from God.  Never mind what Jesus said ( the uber Christian right slays me- I often say they forget Jesus was a brown- skinned  Middle Easter Jew, and if he showed up today with the message from the New Testament, they would toss him in jail or burn him as a Socialist)

I see the Nashville bomber was an older white male.  SHOCKING!  that Trump has not said ANYTHING about a major downtown area of a large city had this happen is not as surprising as it may seem.  After all, her was probably one of his base and mistakenly believed he was "helping" by destroying voting machines, or some such nonsense.  Unless he left a manifesto, we may never know.

I remain hopeful in Biden and Harris.  They have a HARD row to hoe.  The trump ( small "t" intentional) "administration" is doing a great disservice to the Nation they claim to love by not doing a proper handoff.  The last time there was this kind of thing, was 2001 and the Department of Defense went without leadership or information for at least a month into the new administration.   We all should remember what happened in September of that year.

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