Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday morning already?

Where does the weekend go?  When you work all week, at least one of those two precious days is devoted to doing all the things you couldn't get to in the week.  In my case, that's laundry and grocery shopping.  I don't mind doing the chores, just sometimes, there HAS to be more than  finding all the socks.  I have a whole PILE of random socks that don't seem to have a mate.  I wonder if House Elves are stealing them.

A sad weekend around here.  Chris' aunt had a heart attack and was on life support.  I believe they have removed her, but have not heard.  My thoughts and love go out to the rest of the family.  It is never easy to say goodbye.

Chris and his mom came back from their road trip tired and sore from all the walking they did.  Apparently, half the planet decided to go to Vegas this weekend.  The place was a zoo! Kind of makes me glad I had to work.  I really hate crowds.  I am short and crowds tend to run me over.  Not fun!

As we wind down the year, I am thinking of 2013 and what sort of year it was; like any other, filled with joys and sorrows.  There was something online about putting "good things" notes in a jar, starting on New Year's Day and opening it on New Year's eve.  Sounds like a good idea, but frankly I would probably get the first month and then forget to do it.  Much like this blog, which I had tried to write every day but sometimes I am not inspired or running late and just can't muster the energy to do it.

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