Monday, December 2, 2013

The last Day of November

I do realize that it is  now the second  day of December and we have begun the Advent.  It's been a month of counting my blessings. I am thinking, in no particular order of things I need to remember to be thankful for:

Obviously, family and friends.  Without them, what is the purpose of life?

A job I can say I love, even if it does frustrate me from time to time.  I believe what I do has impact, makes someones life a little better.

I need to remember to be thankful for small things, like green lights when I am running late, good weather, a smile from someone, warm hugs.  I am constantly thankful for good books and my love of reading. 

I am trying to remember to have an "attitude of gratitude"  I am truly blessed.  I need to remember that what I want isn't always what I need, and that I have more than most in the things that are really important.

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