Friday, December 27, 2013

Post Christmas thoughts

Christmas is over, pretty much.  The tree is too dry to turn the lights on and I need to see where to take it for recycling this year.  I think last year, the city just let you put it at the curb, but I have no idea.  It was a nice tree and a good Christmas, spent with eight of our friends and family in our little tiny apartment.  It's good to be able to have people in our home.  There was a time when I was in another place and it was not such a happy home.  Sure, it had all the "trappings" of "happy', but that was just the surface that the outside world was shown.   There is nothing like waking up and feeling a peace in your heart and that sigh of contentment that comes from being truly happy.  You can have all the material comforts of life and not be happy.  I am looking at my life and realizing I have it pretty good.   I am blessed with the love of family and friends and that in itself is my "Christmas miracle"

I have to work the rest of the week and I missed a trip to Vegas with my mother-in-law and my husband, two of the best traveling companions in the world.  I hope they are having a blast and come home with great stories and GREAT winnings!  Sunday can't come soon enough for me.  I am taking time to reflect on the year and count my blessings, being grateful for what I have and not looking at what I don't.  I have wonderful friends and family.  My life is peaceful, I no longer live in the center of the cyclone and for that I am eternally grateful.

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