Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of the year

Today is the last day of 2013.  When I was a kid, I used to think there was something magical about the last day of the year and would try to finish whatever I was working on before midnight.  I still have that sense of it, but I know whatever is left undone today will be there tomorrow.  I still strive to get things done, don't get me wrong, but there is not the childhood idea that things will fall apart if I don't get it done.

I haven't taken time to review 2013, a year a lot of people will be glad to see the end of.  I guess it was an ok year.  My daughter got married.  Now I have a son and daughter.  Nice, huh?  We have a few "challenges" as the yuppies say, but managed to come through them ok.  I am happy to have my husband to wake up to every morning, no matter what outside forces press in on us. Work continues to be a never-ending series of emergencies and routines.  I enjoy what I do, most of the time.  I work with some pretty great people ( along with some people whose behavior is so outlandish that if I put them in a book, the editor would chide me for being unrealistic).

I don't really make New Years' Resolutions.  My resolutions are the ongoing kind and have nothing to do with the supposed "magical" properties of the New Year.  The changes I am making for me are FOR ME and not because some flip in the calendar.  My usual resolution is to do one new volunteer thing this year.  It's fairly simple to do.  This year I hope we get a chance to travel a bit.  Every year we talk about going to the Grand Canyon, something I have yet to see, but we can never quite get it together to go.  I will be looking into how we can do it this summer, after my nephew's wedding in August.  At least, that's my plan and my hope.

So, do you have hopes and plans for the New Year?  Any resolutions you won't keep after the first week?   Resolve to be happy.  That works for me.

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