Wednesday, January 1, 2014

sizes and fat shaming

This may be a case of TMI, but today as I was putting on my "unmentionables," I noticed that the label said XL/8  In WHAT world is SIZE EIGHT an extra large?  Oh yeah, Los Angeles, the land of anorexia and fat shaming.  Now, I admit, I am not a skinny Minnie and haven't been what anyone would consider "slender" in  a very long time, but extra large?   What does that kind of labeling do to someone with self-esteem issues?  People have different natural body shapes.  I myself have always been voluptuous, even curvy, when I weighed 103 pounds soaking wet.  I have thighs and tush and boobs.  Does this make me a bad person, if I am a little on the heavy side?  Some people seem to think so.  That woman who posed with her kids saying"What's your excuse?"  really grates on my nerves.  Perhaps she was trying to motivate people, but not everyone wants to work out constantly.  I used to work with a woman who would eat a BITE of cookie and moan "Oh I will have to work out for two hours to get rid of the yummy treat."  She actually SAID yummy treat.  How did you KNOW it was "yummy"? You only took one bite.  The trend toward NO body fat at all is alarming. The "perfect woman" used to be 36-24-36.  That's a size nine, I believe. I wonder why some people consider a woman with those measurements to be fat? I also think you can have a bit of weight and be perfectly healthy.  I believe that fat is not the only factor in good health and general fitness.  We need to stop looking at people who are not bone thin and judging them; making assumptions about lifestyle or behavior.  We need to stop airbrushing models and celebrities on magazine covers.  We need to show that real people- men and women, have curves and shape. 

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