Monday, January 6, 2014

Technology and other stressors

Isn't technology supposed to make our lives easier?  On Friday, I hit a wall at work when the technology I depend on to do my job seemed to mock me at every turn.

I got into the office, rarin' to get to what needed to be done with job orders, only to find I could not access the drive that holds ALL my files?   GRRRRRRR!  After about a half an hour of frustration and work-arounds, the thing came back up.  I hate when that happens.  My work has become- by my own design- essentially paperless; I get most of my requests via email and keep all the files on the drives.  When that goes down, I am dead in the water as far as doing my main job goes.  Probably NOT the best plan, but it is the way we ware supposed to be going, right?  Mind you, I still get phone calls for the more pressing jobs but when I can't do my main one, I am frustrated.

Part two of this is the fact that our once "State of the art" phone system is going the way of the dinosaur. I was told to call my telephone repair request for a fire alarm in to 311.  Simple, right?  Except OUR system would not take 311!  It waited for more numbers to be dialed.  I finally grabbed my cell phone and called. THEY transferred me BACK to the guy who told me to call 311.   ARGH!!!!!! 

I want nothing more than to go back upstairs and snuggle under the covers.  Where did the weekend go?  I seem to be on a go-go-go collapse cycle.  I need to slow down.  It's hard to get all the things I see that need to be done and factor in some "me time" .  Last night I walked away from the computer and snuggled under the covers with a good book ( Alice McDermott's "Somebody")  It reminded me that one of life's best pleasures is reading in bed.  I need to do more of that.  I need to look at my reading list and see what I have put off.  I need to step away from the computer sometimes and just relax!

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