Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, feeling a bit... weird

LAPL is opening on Sundays today and there is a big "celebration" being held at Central and at eight Regional branches.  I actually volunteered to help out.  After all, I reasoned,  I have done a few of these before.  I was NOT asking for compensation, just offering my help.  They told me "we don't need you"  This, after the City Librarian stood up in a General meeting and told Seniors to get staff to come out.  Ok then.  I made a dinner and a movie date with my husband instead, but it feels odd not to be among my friends, helping out.  Maybe I just need to scale back my dedication to my work a bit.  I don't know how to do that, really.  I am always "all in" with whatever project I am doing, not just work but volunteer stuff I do elsewhere. Something to consider.

Yesterday, I went to the first meeting for the Water Captains at the LA Marathon.  It's my eleventh year doing this, and there were no big surprises this year.  I am glad Gatorade is back as a sponsor, because that replenish stuff was nasty tasting and you got powder all over you.  The runners hated it! It was nice to see my good friend Luiza and laugh with her again.  It makes it nice when you can enjoy what might be a long day by laughing with friends.  We had AED and CPR training and as Luiza tried to practice the Heimlich on me ( not hard, just to get the feel of it) I realized JUST how ticklish I am. I was laughing so hard, she had trouble doing it.  I just cracked up.  Had to go and get a burrito at Yuca's afterward.  Training is hard work!

I will be sending my emails out to those who have volunteered with me before.  I closed the group to outsiders,as people see the last mile and think they will see the winner.  WE start after the winner has signed for the Honda and is enjoying a beer in the hospitality suite.  The people we see are, in my book, the REAL winners; people who are running for themselves, for charity, for the sheer joy of running.  I don't understand why someone would put themselves through this agony, but I am out there on the course to give them water and cheer them home.  Let me know if you want to join me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm posting anon cause its easier .. Good morn its Luiza still have me laughing about **** pasa..P.S stay out of Robins belly button. Hahajejejejeje


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