Tuesday, January 21, 2014


There are changes afoot in the Myers household.  I am wrapping my head around one of them, and will talk about it in more detail when I can clearly think about it.  Right now it's just a stunning development of the long-awaited kind.  It doesn't seem real quite yet.  It's a good thing, but in some aspects a scary thing.   More on that in the next few days

I am trying to decide how to vote on our new contract.  It's not all that great, to tell you the truth. I will benefit majorly, but I am not sure it has great long-term prospects for our Union.  I need to see the entire MOU to see if there is something I am missing in the proposal.  Once I read the whole thing, I will decide what I want to do.  As the Election Chair, I am supposed to be apolitical.  I want people to read it for themselves and decide.  If they do vote it down and it goes to impasse, I wonder what will happen.  The City will impose the offer on us?  Maybe.  The Employee Relations Board will probably have to make a ruling .  I am not going to worry about it.  As I see it, my mission is to get people to read it and decide what to do.  I want people to vote.  The last elections were decided by a handful of people who actually took the time to vote.  The rest just complain like mad and don't bother to vote.  It's frustrating. 

Can you tell me why every scandal has to end in the suffix -gate?  Benghazi-gate, Bridge-gate?  Squidgy-gate?   WATERGATE was the name of the HOTEL  for goodness sakes and somehow adding "gate" to the end of the word throws the conspiracy theory aspect to any real or imagined scandal?  I'm getting tired of it.  It's a knee-jerk media behavior.  I would be willing to BET that if you asked any one under the age of 25 WHY the media does this, they won't have a clue.  They just know that it hints at some sort of cover-up.  I don't watch the news anymore, I read it.  That way, if I get too pissed off at the article, I can come back when I am more ready to read it.  The  "newscasters" these days are more often than not just presenting opinion  as "news"  Some of it smacks of salacious gossip; like getting the facts from the National Enquirer.  It's getting harder and harder to find the truth in our media.  Someone suggested I read newspapers from other countries, as they have a different slant on what is going on.  It's sad when we are being serially misinformed in our own country, but I suppose using multiple sources would give me a better understanding of the issues as they relate not only locally, but globally.

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