Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hope, headaches, sleep and time

Rough couple of days for me and a lot of people I know.  I will talk about it when I can, but I am heartsick by all the venom being poured out these days.  I believe there are two, possibly three sides to every story.  People lining up on one side without knowing the facts, spreading rumors and second-hand gossip and trying to bully me into doing something prematurely is just so not right.  I will NOT bow to bullies, I never did and I am not about to start NOW.  I don't respond to threats and ultimatums very well, it makes me dig in my heels even more.  I cannot respond to people directly right now, it's a tricky legal issue and I am following the advice of an attorney ; but best believe I have answered some of these less-than-well-thought-out missives IN MY HEAD!  Probably the direct cause of the migraine I have had off and on since Friday.  Some relief should come in the next few days.  In the meantime, if you are a praying person, keep me in your prayers or send me positive thoughts or healing light or a virtual hug. 

I have been having some medical issues lately.  I believe it's all due to lack of sleep, more than anything else.  I slept for fourteen hours a few weeks ago and woke up without the symptoms that I have every morning, even though I had missed my nighttime "cocktail" of pills.  I actually felt.. BETTER.  I need to have a long conversation with my doctors about it and see if I can step down off the one med and just try something to help me sleep. 

Hope is what keeps me going.  That and my faith in the Universe, or in God which in my mind are the same thing, that what is right will happen.  It may take time, it may encounter a few bumps but I have to believe that ultimately good wins.  Maybe I am naive, but I believe it.  I have to.  Otherwise I would never get out of bed, or be hiding under my desk all day.  I have to believe that good people will triumph and the truth, however hard to take, will out!

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