Thursday, January 9, 2014

This is probably going to offend someone

My husband found an article about a supposed medical study that claims that sperm is an anti-depressant.  It's an old study, one without much real medical evidence to support it, but it's making the rounds again.  It seems the article claims that women who have unprotected sex are less depressed than those who have protected sex.  I personally think it's a load of malarkey, to be blunt.  I think the "researchers" were frat boys trying to get laid for "research purposes" and they skewed the results in order to convince naive girls to have unprotected sex.  "C'mon,, research shows you'll be happier if I don't wear a condom".  Uh-huh.  Sounds like a story my mom told me once about  U.S. Soldiers in WWII telling English girls that all US solders were given shots to prevent them from getting anyone pregnant.   Some of them, apparently were QUITE convincing!

It got me to thinking about the supposed "power" of the "male member."  After all, legend has it that women are changed after losing their virginity.  Only a virgin can capture a unicorn.  The Oracle lost her gift of sight after she lost her virginity; and blah , blah , blah.  These stories only reinforce the male power stereotype and the dichotomy of thought about how we approach sexuality in our rather puritan society.   A man who has multiple sex partners is a stud, a woman is a slut.  My mother, God love her, always told me that a man should be experienced and a woman  should be a virgin when they got married.  Now I ask you; WHERE is a man going to GET experience if all the women are supposed to be virgins????  I never got a good answer on that one.

Here's a link to the commentary on the article.  I particularly like the  quote down at the bottom, saying that this particular scholarly journal will publish any crackpot paper that comes their way and intimates that the editors must be chipmunks.

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