Friday, January 17, 2014


The weekend can't get here soon enough!  I have had a bear of a week, for no other reason than I am playing "catch up" with some of my projects, trying to get out of the way of the new ones coming at me.  Busy as always.  There is no "slow time" at my job- well maybe the Christmas holidays, but even then we were working on the Sunday hours branches this year.  ARGH! 

We are planning on getting together with some good friends for something tomorrow.  We talked about going to the movies, but if tomorrow is anything like the last week has been, weather-wise, I want to go and do something slightly outdoorsy.  I need to be out in the sunshine.  All week, I am trapped in my windowless cube, I can see out the window of my co-worker's office if I tilt my head, or when I go to the water cooler, but that's just a tease.  I want to be OUT in the Winter sunshine.  We live in Los Angeles, where January means  mild temperatures and bright sunshine;  beautiful crystal clear skies ( except for the smoke from the Glendora fire right now)  I  can't see spending the afternoon in a darkened movie house when there is sunshine to be drenched in.  We will have to plan a movie day when it rains.  Right now, there isn't anything I am dying to see.  My husband says I don't like movies.  Maybe he's right.  I have trouble these days mustering the energy to sit still and pay attention.  We often have "movie night" with our neighbor, but that is fun because he often stops the film to talk about it.  We have "intermission"  where we discuss the film so far.  We have a lot of different theories about the points and progress of the films, it's a lot of fun. 

Of course the "downside" to the weekend is that I have to do all the houseworky things that I can't or don't do during the week.  I keep hoping the housework fairies will come and do my house.  In the Jim Butcher "Dresden files" series HE has fairies who clean his place and all he has to pay them is a large pizza.  hmmm  I wonder how you get in touch with them to make THAT deal.  I hate to say this though; I am not sure I would actually WANT fairies in my house.  They can be a bit tricky, if I am remembering my fairy tales correctly.  Even Tinkerbell had an evil streak.  Maybe I ought to just clean the house myself.

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