Thursday, January 16, 2014

Coffee, do your stuff!

I have reached a certain point in my life where I wonder where all my energy went.  I used to have a lot more of it.  True, I could take a nap ANYWHERE, including tucked between two road cases backstage while another band sound checked, but I also exerted a whole lot of energy when I was conscious.  Now , I am awake a moment or two before my alarm goes off and I am dreading it's noise.  I usually try to turn it off just before it goes off or after a beep or two.  I live in an older apartment with very thin walls.  I don't want to wake my neighbor OR my husband ( well I do wake him up but he's usally not SO awake he doesn't fall back to sleep the minute I ease out of bed.)

I pad downstairs and make coffee.  I make it STRONG. My Dad used to complain about that when I visited him.  I would try to beat him to the coffee maker; his coffee was like coffee flavored hot water.  I finally told him "Look, you already KNOW I make it this way.  I LIKE it strong.  You can add hot water to strong coffee, but there isn't a darn thing you can do about weak coffee!"  He agreed that I had a point, but after a while got used to the way I made it and stopped grumbling- at least about my coffee.  He found other things I didn't do tho his specifications to complain about . 

I like Sumatra, and will down two cups before starting off to work.  I would drink more, but I fear it is not good for me at this stage of the game.  Getting older isn't for sissies, that's for sure. 

So, waiting to see if the caffeine will kick in, dreaming of another cup of joe  and prepping for  another day at work.  It's been incredibly busy and I need to be more than one of me to do everything that needs doing.  I am a multitasker of the first order, but some days I am more on my "game" than others.  Here's hoping the coffee does it's magic!

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