Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, Mom

I miss my mom.  Some days are harder than others.  Today would have been her 88th birthday.  It's hard to believe it's been ten years since we celebrated her last birthday.  She was a bit confused, but childlike as she asked "is it MY birthday?  My mother had Alzheimer's.  It was draining to see the once vibrant intelligent woman slip away bit by bit.  I often "talk" to her and sometimes I can hear a response.  I hope she would be happy for the life I am leading now.  I know she would have loved my husband and been happy to see Kate happily married as well.  She probably would have Kate's husband's face between her hands and kissed him and cajoled him to treat her well.Sometimes , like right now, tears just well up in my eyes; I miss her so badly, but I brush the tears away and try to remember that she would not have wanted to live like that, half there.  She and my father are together in a better place.  The thought sustains me.  So happy birthday, Mom.  I am sure there is chocolate in Heaven.  How could it be Heaven if there weren't?

Sending out "happy thoughts" to my friends and Family.  The year has had a rough start for a lot of us, but I believe it will be better.  So for my nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, Aunts and Uncles,Cousins and friends I am sending ALL of you a mental hug and a wish for good things for you today.  Send me one back!

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