Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dancing.... (satire)

A friend of mine posted a humorous piece by Dave Chappell which "investigates" the assertion that white people CAN dance, but just to electric guitar music.  It was pretty funny, but as he was talking about how white people can't dance I found myself thinking about

Fred Astaire
Ginger Rodgers
Gene Kelly ( sigh.. Gene Kelly)
Mikael Baryshnikov (ah... MISHA!)
Mick Jagger..

No scratch that last one, he dances like a rooster on acid.  In any case, there are white people who can dance, the above list proves it.  I must bring the assertion to the table that it is NOT our lack of pigmentation which leads to our lack of dance moves; rather it is the presence of a mutated gene- the Klutz Gene that is the root cause of this phenomenon. The Klutz gene tends to run in families and the possessor of said gene often is unable to walk and chew gum at the same time.  It's a tragic malady and one for which there is no known cure.  Sadly, many sufferers seem to believe that the consumption of large quantities of alcohol will assuage the symptoms.  This is not the case, as many wedding dance-floor videos will corroborate.  There IS no cure.

Sadly, I too am afflicted, so as the song goes "I won't dance, don't ask me!"

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