Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I think I am whining

Lately, I seem to have more to kvetch about in these blogs than things to feel good about.  I really should try to be more upbeat about things.   After all, I have a pretty nice life, all things considered.  Sure, there ARE things that I want, but do I NEED them?  Not really, I suppose.  I still have dreams for myself, and have hope for the future.

I saw an interview with a 17 year old kid, Sam Berns, who had that disease that makes you age prematurely.  He was so "glass half full" that it put me to shame. He looked forward, didn't  allow himself to throw a "pity party" and  said some pretty neat things.  One thing that stuck with me is "being brave is supposed to be hard"  I think so too.  Sometimes it's just making the only choice you can live with, even though the other choice might be easier in the short term, being brave and going forward takes courage.  He died about three months after the interview.  He had to know he might not live out his dreams, but he created them and looked forward to them anyway.   as they say in Nicholas Nicklby  "Hope!   Always Hope!"

Words I will try to remember today.

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