Sunday, January 19, 2014

I need a miracle every day.

"There are two ways to live;  you can live as if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle"  This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, was in my head this morning as I made breakfast in my kitchen.  The question is usually "is the glass half full or half empty?"  I am a "What's IN the glass and can I have more if I drink THAT?" kind of person.

Things have been challenging, lately.  Last night I slept for 14 hours.  Yes I know, that's a long time, but apparently some of the symptoms I have been trying to ignore are tied to exhaustion and last night, after a lovely day playing mini-golf and being out in the sunshine and fresh air, my body finally consented to a long uninterrupted sleep.  It did me good.  That and a long cry to help get the stress out of my system.  I still am unsure how I will be handling certain issues, but am better for the rest and the release.

I suppose I should look at my lack of exercise and try to find something I can do consistently AT HOME.  I have a treadmill.  I should so that every day.  I don't and I wonder how I can make it part of my evening routine- it makes too much noise and I really don't want to wake my nice next-door neighbor ( we share a wall) by starting the thing up at 6 a.m. Joining a gym is right out!  I do not like to come home, get changed and go out again.  I also like to have time with my husband in the evening.  Working on my treadmill while dinner cooks is a real possibility for me and I will try it out this week.  Wish me luck!

Going back to think about the Einstein quote it is real or not, I suppose I try to live more as if everything is a miracle.  Sometimes, I just look out my kitchen window at the clouds or pause in the parking lot to look at the sunset.  I am reminded that there is beauty and wonder in the everyday, if we just stop and SEE it.

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