Friday, November 29, 2013

Post Thanksgiving thoughts

I didn't post yesterday, as I was busy cooking and getting the house ready for company.  I am thankful to be able to invite people into our home.  I am blessed with wonderful friends, whose dinner conversation was lively and thoughtful.

Thanksgiving is my traditional "calm before the storm" as I get ready to "gear up" for the holiday season. I DO NOT go to "Black Friday" sales.  There is NOTHING in the world I need SO badly that I need to be at some store at 6 in the morning and fight with someone over some discounted item.    Nothing says  "Merry Christmas"  like the fistfights, screaming, pushing and genuinely bad behavior you see at this kind of "event".  I dislike crowds to begin with.  Crowds in a  feeding frenzy is my idea of a preview to hell.

So I will do a few necessary things today, but mostly I plan to relax and read and rest.  The next few weeks promise to be a whirl of activity, starting with the McGroarty Holiday Boutique - aka the Chili-bowl sale.  It's Saturday the 7th from 10-5.  I will be working the Bakesale, as usual.  I am not sure just what I am going to be baking, but I WILL be making my California BBQ Chili for the event.  You buy a handmade bowl and get to fill it with the chilli of your choice for ten bucks. It's a GREAT deal!  If you haven't been to McGroarty  Arts Center in Tujunga, you should come up for this event.  Local vendors and the house decorated for the holidays.  It's a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the chili bowl sale. The noodle bowl I bought two years ago broke (when I dropped it...). I hope she's there again this year so I can get a new one.


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