Friday, November 15, 2013

Being busy

Last night, lying in bed, I "composed" a complete blog, but as the computer is downstairs and I was upstairs and cozily settled, I thought "I will remember it in the morning.  I should know better.  I can't even remember what I wanted to talk about!  Age.  Sigh.  My memory is not as sharp as it once was, and I worry about Alzheimer's, as my mother died from it.  It's probably just overload.  I need to slow down.  Really.  I say that all the time, but it's true.    For instance my schedule this week included TWO meetings on Monday ( yes it was a holiday, but these were personal commitments)  Tai  Chi on Tuesday, a meeting of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council on Wednesday, My Union's Election on Thursday (I'm the chair)  and a class this evening.  Tomorrow I have a class in the morning and McGroarty's "Thanks and Giving" Dinner in the evening.  Chris asked what I was doing Sunday."SLEEP" I announced.  I fear he is getting the short end of the stick here.  I am making more time for reading, which I find relaxing.  Trying to spend less time on computer games and more time doing things I enjoy.  I like being busy, but sometimes I just need to stop and relax!

Still being "thankful"  I am thankful today is Friday and the weekend, although busy will afford me some quality time with my husband.

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