Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Morning

Up early on a Saturday, getting ready to go to Stewards training.  They promised us breakfast, but I am sitting here having coffee and thinking about what I have to do today.  All I can say is it had better be a REAL breakfast, not a muffin and juice!  I am going to need FOOD and if they don't have FOOD ( pastries do not count as real food) I am going to be disappointed  AND I will probably have trouble focusing.  I always eat a good breakfast when I have an early morning meeting so I don't zone out.

Had a lovely session at Heart and Soul Healing Arts Center last evening.  I always come home very relaxed and happy  Unfortunately, the center is experiencing some change and they will be moving to a small location.  I hope they can continue some of the classes they have offered in the past, as I find it helps me to focus.

Today, I am thankful for the classes I am taking that will help me grow.  My dad used to say "If you stop learning, you stop living"  He was right.

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