Wednesday, November 27, 2013

a funny thing happened.....

I was getting ready to leave work yesterday to go to my LAST Tai-chi class.  I will probably try to get a DVD to do it at home, or find a class that is more suited to my time limits.  I need something to help with my strength and balance, not so much as defense training ( I got THAT from my childhood, thankyouverymuch).  I went into the ladies room at work and quickly changed out of my work clothes into my workout clothes.  Some of my stuff fell off the hook and onto the floor.  I heard the bathroom door open ( we have stalls and I was in one of them)   I heard the person leave RAPIDLY.  Oh well.  I thought.  I got myself dressed and went back to my office.  AS I was coming down the hall, I met a phalanx of Security Officers, game faces on.  "what's up, guys? I asked.  One said "There's a mess in the Ladies restroom. '" "Huh, I was just in there"  I replied trying to recreate what they might be talking about in my head. " Did you see a bunch of clothes on the floor?" He asked.  OH!!!!!  "That was ME! ' I said " I was changing to my workout stuff.  I don't like to change in my cubicle."  They all laughed and went back down stairs.

I'm gonna hear about this!

and least I forget; today I am thankful for the approaching holiday and the chance to get together with good friends.  Let the baking begin!  Tonight I prep the cranberries and bake the pies.

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