Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm LATE, I'm Late I'm late

ok so I got so busy yesterday that I forgot to write something and by the time I got home it was after 9 and my brains were .. mush!  I went to a mind-numbing session of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood council.  There was this one guy who gave a presentation about how the Government was going to ruin us all because they haven't drained the silt out of the Pacoima dam in over 30 years and now it needs to be done.  BIG surprise, that after 30 years we need to do something about it.  The guy ranted on using all those words meant to incite.  He gave an outline of the plan, saying we needed to protest ALL of the options.  He failed to provide any reasonable solution to the problem.  He's just worried about the solution not being in HIS backyard.  Most telling was a picture he had taken from the view from HIS house and then superimposed what the view would look like if the "Government" was allowed to continue with it's evil plan to fix the problem with the Pacoima dam.  The guy was the epitome of a NIMBY.  You know "Fix the problem, make it go away, but Not IN My Back Yard!"  He would have had more cred with me if he actually had some kind of idea on how to solve the problem.  He kept railing about how it would ruin the neighborhood  for "our children and their children"  So will a flood if the dam breaks.  I would like to know what this group thinks should be done, not that the County Department of Public Works is evil and will ruin our lives and property values.

That being said, I came home ad relaxed my mind in a book.  I am reading Neil Gaimen's  "The Ocean at the End of the Lane"  Quirky.  I have never read any of his other books, at least I don't remember them.  It's quite good and I hope to finish it by tomorrow because it's due back at the library and I already have a few books I had forgotten to return on time.  I was JUST a day late on them but you know I am at the library EVERY FREAKING DAY, so it's.. well ... embarrassing!  I am thankful for books.  To probably misquote Emily Dickinson "There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away"  I find that reading relaxes that part of my brain that is wound up tight from the incidents that make up my days these days.  Reading has always been my joy.  So many books, so little time!

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