Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The appliance that makes me dinner

Can I be thankful for my crockpot?   Well, I am.  As the autumn cold comes in, I drag the pot off the top of my refrigerator and place it on the counter, where it stays until some time in, oh, APRIL!  I love the comfort foods I can start off early in the morning before leaving for work and come home and MOST of the meal is waiting for me.  I recently made a pork loin in it- something I had never tried before. It was heavenly!    Who knew it wasn't just for making chili and spaghetti sauce?  Apparently you can COOK in the darn thing!  Tonight's dinner, chicken stroganoff, is on it's way this morning.

I love cooking, because I like food.  I actually knew someone once who said he didn't like food, but ate because he had to!  I wonder if he just wasn't exposed to good food or there really are people who don't like to eat.  Alien concept here. My dad was a professional cook and I git the gene from him.  I exposed my daughter to good food, as well a traditional kid comfort food so her palate was expanded when she was little.  I read an article about these people in New York who were complaining that their nanny didn't know what quinoa was and they were SHOCKED.  Geez.  When Kate was little and I put new food on her plate, I told her she only had to take two bites; one to taste it and one to be sure she didn't like it.  I am not fond of forcing kids to eat things they don't like, but she had to try it at least.  It worked very well.  There were no battles as the "two bite rule" was a firm one.

My crockpot will be getting a workout this season.  I am looking forward to expanding my recipe base and seeing what it can do!

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