Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank you Veterans and Active Service members

Why do we only take one day to think about the people who served and are serving in the military?  Once a year, we remember the sacrifices that were made, so that we could continue to enjoy our way of life.  This was actually Armistice Day, the Day World War I  "The War to End All Wars" was ended.  At the Eleventh hour on the Eleventh day of the Eleventh month, all fighting ceased.  The poem "In Flanders's Fields" written by a doctor looking over the graves of the dead,watching the poppies blow "between the crosses row on row"  I read somewhere that the violence of the battle and the way the ground was torn up is what caused the poppies to grow.  The poem begins by mourning the dead, but ends by shaking a fist at the living, reminding them that they need to take up arms in the fight as well.  I don't know how I feel about that. Perhaps it is meant as  "do not let us have died in vain" and to complete the task they set out to do.  Finish the fight for us.  Probably.  But the poem that begins by mourning the dead, has the dead challenging others to fight and perhaps to die as well.   It's sad, in any case.

Do they still sell paper poppies to aid the veterans?  It used to be you would see them near stores and such, members of the VFW, selling poppies.  I doubt kids today understand the meaning.  A few year ago, I saw an old vet- probably WWII or Korean War- selling poppies near the museum.  I didn't have any money, so I went over and asked if I could give him a hug.  He took the hug and I thanked him for his service.  It was the least I could do.

I am going to try to get over to pack boxes at Operation Gratitude sometime this holiday season.  I enjoy the work, although it is so crowded these day it's hard to do the work!  That's a GOOD thing, though.  If you are not familiar with the organization, they pack individual boxes for the military and each box is addressed to an individual, not "Any soldier" but "Pvt John Smith" and "Captain Mary Jones"  It's kind of nice and the letters and emails the organization gets are very touching.  Worth the effort and I will try to make time this year.

Happy Veterans Day former and current service members!  I am thankful for the gifts your service has brought me.

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