Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 4

As I go through the month of November, I am trying to focus on the small things I am thankful for.  Today, I am thankful for a good night's sleep.  It's been a while since I really slept without nightmares.  Last night when I got home, I was tired to the point of being crabby.  I felt myself snapping at Chris and Jenn and decided THAT was enough of that and took myself upstairs to bed.   I read for a bit ( the new Sue Grafton) and fell asleep.  I didn't wake up screaming or shaking from some Horror themed nightmare for a change and got a pretty good night's sleep.  Not enough can be said about how it feels to actually wake up feeling rested. 

I have a lot on my plate at work today.  I might actually get it all done!

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