Monday, November 25, 2013

For Ogechi

This weekend, the world lost one of the sweetest souls I have ever encountered.  Ogechi Anum passed from this life on Saturday.  Her friends and her family hold her and each other in our hearts at this tragic time.

I knew Ogechi for a long time.  I met her when she became the Area Secretary for the Western Region.  We shared joys ( our children) pain ( children and ex-husbands) and life in general.  She always had a ready laugh at her misfortunes.  At one point, I told her "Girl, if either one of us looses a pet, we are a country song"

Her name, taken during her marriage to her children's father, meant "God's Time"  She told me once, her given name was Jessica, which does not suit her at all.  She was always "Ogechi".  She had had a difficult childhood, but managed to remain upbeat and loving to both her parents.  Here life was not an easy one.  I worried about her.

The last time we talked, it was about some mundane thing that was happening at her branch- perhaps mice, or the roaches that were as big a battleships.  We laughed and I said as I always did that we should get together for tea- or something stronger!  She laughed and said that we should and that would be nice.  Sadly, this will never be and I am thinking about her and ALL the friends I promise to get together with "someday".  Sometimes "someday" never comes.  To honor her, I will be contacting all my "we'll get together someday" friends and MAKE A FIRM DATE.  I encourage all of you to do this.  Don't wait until it's too late to share a laugh or a heartfelt talk with someone.  Ogechi was my friend.  I will miss her and wish like hell we had made the time for that cup of tea.


  1. Oh Robyn,

    Do not let guilt about this color your memories of her. She could have easily pressed you for a commitment too. Remember that you enjoyed her company, she was someone you LIKED to deal with about mice and roaches, and you do a great job of honoring your commitments. I am living proof of that :-)

    I am so sorry for your loss and these things are so hard, but a greater power does decide when it's our turn. Try to be happy for her now that she is pain free and hopefully, that will make it a little less painful for you.

    In the meantime, do come by after Thanksgiving with your love and we will have a drink and toast to Ogechi. I would enjoy hearing more about her and what she meant to you. Much love and a big hug, my dear.

  2. Hi, Robyn.

    I found your post while checking Google for any memorials.

    I also found the following flyer:

    I appreciate your post. Often when I see a routing slip I remember how she'd send them out with smiley faces; I did also when sending something to PIOKOR Branch. She was welcoming when I first started sub-work in the Western Area, and always cheerful. She is missed.

    Jeffrey @ Baldwin Hills

    1. I can't open the link. Do you know when it will be? I know a lot of us would like to attend.

      Robyn ( Branch Facilities)


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