It's November. Someone started something last year, or maybe the year before, that every day in November they posted something they are thankful for. I am going to 'try" and do that ( please don't quote Yoda or EST and tell me "there is no try only do.") Last year I tried to do more than one thing a day and it got overwhelming. I am going to post only ONE thing per day and I challenge you ( yes you reading this blog) to think of your one thing per day. You can reply to my post or post it on your Facebook page, if you want to share!
So here goes.
I am thankful to wake up with my husband each morning. I know, I know it sounds like a cop-out, but it is truly one thing I appreciate. I am lucky to have found him and am grateful that he is in my life. I don't mean to get all mushy, but life is sweeter with him. He is my rock.
That's MY first "thankful". What's yours?
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