Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Good Samhain, everyone!   Have you ever looked at someone on Halloween and had to think "Costume, or bad sartorial sense?"  It's going to be that kind of day.  The holiday kind of snuck up on me, so the only decorations we have up this year are pumpkins carved by Chris and Jenn.  We have some candy- the kind we LIKE so if we don't get any kids we won't have to eat BAD candy ( oh the horror of that!)

I am wearing my vintage John Foggerty "Eye of the Zombie" t-shirt as my nod to the day.  I no longer work in the public sector, so I don't have to go in costume.  I was thinking about how my mom would make our costumes and she kept the old ones in a big barrel in the garage to sort thru and reinvent every year.  One year she made matching Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes for me and the girl next door who was my best friend at the time.  It was fun.  I wonder if she liked sewing or if it was just something she did because she grew up in the Depression. In elementary school, most of my clothes were handmade by my mom.  It was only later, when she went back to work that we bought clothes.

Whatever you do today, however you celebrate the season, have fun and be safe and remember; Life's too short to eat bad candy!

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