Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trying to find my happy

Things have been a little hectic lately and I feel like I am just going through the motions, trying to get through the week and into the weekend.  Tired and achy.  Complaining?  Yeah I guess I am.  I am working on my "attitude of gratitude"   so despite the difficulties we are facing I will try to remember the following good things

1-  I am married to my best friend. 
2- I am loved
3- I have wonderful friends and family
4- I have a place to live
5- I have food in the refrigerator and the pantry is full
6- I have a job I love ( most of the time)
7- The only constant is change.

My mom was a worrier and I got the "worrying gene" in spades.  I am working on NOT worrying about things I have no control over.  Chris can do that and I am learning from him.

In November, I will try to think of one thing each day I am thankful for.  It will help me focus on what is important and what is not.  I will try not to default to what is called "automatic negative thinking" and flip it to a positive.  It's work, but good work all the same.

1 comment:

  1. My husband's a worrier. When things get bad, I ask him: "So, what's good?" and I force him to come up with something no matter how blue he's feeling. Once he dredges something up, I demand another.

    Sometimes that doesn't work, and I try a different tactic - this one probably won't work for everyone. I ask him: "What's bad?"

    One of two things usually happens: He realizes he can only list one or two things, and can then process the knowledge that really, there's not much of a reason for his stress. Or, alternately, he can come up with a list, and we discuss ways to fix the things that are causing him stress. Being a solution-oriented man, having a plan of action improves his mood.


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