Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday morning

I know it's been a busy week when I haven't had a chance to sit and collect my thoughts much.  I have been running like crazy and am looking forward to resting this weekend ( By  a show of hands, how many of you actually think I will rest? Yeah, me neither)

On Monday,I had the chance to see my favorite film of all time, the Wizard of Oz, on the big screen.  We squeezed it in around doctor visits and other things, but it really helped to see it. I felt better and the visit to my doctor reassured me as well.  I finally have a doctor I can trust who talks to me as if I were a person, not a medical record number.  Seeing the film, restored and in 3-D was amazing.  The makeup on the scarecrow, was terrific.  You could see where his face was supposed to be a burlap bag.  Dorothy had a spray of freckles across her nose.  I wanted to see it with two of my friends who are fans as well, but we just couldn't arrange time together.  If it is still playing anywhere and we can "road trip" to do it, that would be a lot of fun too.

Monday night  we went to Maria's Italian Kitchen in Encino. They have been real supportive of my cousin Robert Zorn's book, Cemetery John ( and if you haven't read it WHY NOT???)  Robert was here in Los Angeles on business and we finally got the chance to meet and talk.  What a wonderful evening it was!  The hosts of the party, George and Jenny were so nice, lively conversation about books and movies and  life in general.  We closed the place down and talked way into the night. I am sure the staff thought we would keep them there until dawn.  I tried to make a note off all the books they were talking about.  I did get a copy of "Will in the World" about Shakespeare.  I started it last night.  I am now reading FIVE books at a time.  

Tuesday, I started a Tai Chi class at Kaiser, and while I am an uncoordinated mess, I think I will enjoy the class.  I hope I am not a hopeless student.  The instructor is a nice gentle person.  Tai Chi is supposed to help with balance, among other things and I am feeling a little more off balance these days. 

Wednesday, I had a board meeting at McGroarty. It went fairly well and I am hopeful for new beginnings there.  We have a lot of events coming up and I will be inviting you all to all of them!  Next up is a Volunteer Day and The Big Draw.  More about them later.

Last night I had dinner with two good friends who make me laugh.  It was nice to see them and have dinner at the Eagle Rock Sizzler, although I will tell you this, the ribs were way overcooked.  Talk about movies, baseball and current events mixed in with catching up on our lives was a wonderful way to wind the day down.  Tom always complains when I don't write this blog, so I am glad I provide some entertainment for him ( comment away Tom!)

So that's my week, but I can't get away from this without making ONE political comment.  I  am SICK to death of the finger-pointing and the crud being flung around.  Shut up and solve the problem.  Don't try to spin it.  I have friends who think Obama is to blame for all of this. Nope I blame CONGRESS-- ALL of Congress. The Republicans seem hell-bent on having a hissy fit, still pissed because they lost the election .  Both sides have dug in their heels and the American People are the losers in this game.  We need NOT to re-elect any current member of Congress.  I know it won't happen, but it should. Throw them all out!

1 comment:

  1. God, I am famous! I am mentioned in Robyn's blog! So, now I AM a celebrity. AND I would have made a comment anyway, because last year I got to see "The Wizard of Oz" on the big screen, myself. Although not the restored, 3-D version, obviously, it was still lots of fun. It was part of the L.A. Conservancy's "Last Remaining Seats" program. I realized I had NEVER seen it except on television. It was a wonderful movie - IS a wonderful movie, and I was sorry the lights came up at the end so soon, as I admit I was sniffling and blubbering because of Dorothy and Auntie Em and home. I agree with Robyn - go see it!


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