Saturday, October 5, 2013

The "Cult" of Celebrity

A conversation with friends got me to thinking about how I feel about people who are "famous".   Being famous is like an addiction for some people, they crave attention and the spotlight and will do anything to get there and STAY there.  Growing up in Los Angeles, you learn early on that being in "the Industry" is a job just like any other job.  I am not impressed with  tv actors or film stars simply because of their appearance in my home or in the theaters; and while I am sure they are nice people for the most part, my happiness does not depend upon them.  The same goes  for musicians and supermodels. The only musician on whose daily life my happiness balances is my bass player husband, Chris.

I have had dinner, or drinks with authors and musicians and actors. We have had some wonderful conversations, so I don't mean to imply that people who work in the entertainment industry don't have something that interests me.  It's just when I see someone on the street, I don't rush up to them and gush and tell them how wonderful they are.  I don't want to be their new best friend.  Some of them, I couldn't care less about.   I was playing that game with myself "If you could invite anyone who ever lived to dinner, who would it be?  I came up with my great-grandmother, who was a midwife in the 1880s  and my great-great grandfather, who was a soldier in the Civil War.  That would be an interesting conversation, far better than any current celebrity.  Who would YOU have at your table?

On a side note, Happy Birthday to my Big Sister Joanie!  Love you!!!

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