Monday, October 7, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness month

I found a lump in my left breast last week.  I admit I kind of freaked  me out.  About eight years ago, a routine mammogram ( my first EVER) found THREE lumps in my left breast.  The biopsy deemed them "suspicious" and I had the surgery to remove them.  They were NOT cancerous, but "Suspicious" enough to require me to have mammograms every six months for several years.  I am thankful for that first mammogram, as my doctor said they could have become cancer, if I hadn't caught it so early on.  I have had several more scares, each time including this one I have been fortunate to have been given a clean report.

The point of all of this,is I suppose, that you should remember to check yourself monthly.  This includes men, BTW.  We forget that they too can have breast cancer.  I posted a heart on my page, a sign to other women to remember to check.  I was reminded by a wonderful blog post from my friend Cindy Alexander, herself a cancer Warrior,(I think of people who fought Cancer as Warriors, not survivors, because it's a FIGHT you are in, a battle and you come out the victor)  that we need to be vocal about it, not cute and silent.  Society sexualizes women's breasts to the point where bathing suits that barely cover the nipples are acceptable but public breastfeeding is considered obscene. 

So remind a friend today.  Breast cancer is not the killer it once was.  With research and education, we CAN fight back and win this battle.

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