Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday mornig ramblings.

I've decided I don't like taking Tai-chi classes.  I am not looking forward to going.  Ugh.  I have paid for the class but I don't think I am getting out of it what I thought I would.  The instructor is nice and the people in the class are nice,  I just don't feel it.  There is a series online I am going to look at and BOOK time with my husband to do this.  That means we put it on the calendar and DO IT.    It might be better here at home.  I missed last week's class due to INSANE Dodger playoff traffic.  I was trapped for an HOUR on Sunset Bl.  I HATE that the City has eliminated the third lane on Sunset- it's BUS ONLY now.  There aren't THAT many buses, unless they know something I don't about the increase in bus-lines on Sunset.  Oh sure, there is the Stadium Shuttle, but that's only during the season. Now that the season is over ( WAHHHHHH)  Maybe they should go back to giving us all the lanes and increase traffic flow.  Los Angeles is not known for great transit.

I posted the following on the website for my Union;

Election Ballots were mailed out and by now, most of you should have received your ballots.  I am asking each member to do one thing. VOTE!  Take a few moments out of your busy day and look over the candidates, make your choices and MAIL IT BACK.  It’s that simple.  Please don’t ignore the ballot or think that your vote doesn’t matter.  Each vote counts.  The last election, only about a quarter of the eligible voters cast a ballot.  It’s easy and sometimes popular to sit back and complain about the way the Union is run.  You ARE the Union.  EAA is a MEMBER DRIVEN organization; the Board of Governors is responsible to YOU.  I urge you to become more involved in your Union.  Take this small step.  VOTE!

I wonder what kind of flak I will get for it!

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