Saturday, October 19, 2013

EARLY Saturday Morning. UGH

Why am I up at o-dark-hundred, you ask?   Well, I promised to make my Mother-in-law's FAMOUS oatmeal fudgies for some people and FORGOT I wouldn't be home until LATE last night so here I am.  The fudgies are setting up on the dining room table.  I am thinking about going back to bed.   We promised to meet early this morning.  Why do I do this?

They are still working on my plumbing.  There are HUGE holes everywhere and a pipe in the downstairs bathroom wall that is not connected to anything and I think it should be.  I have NO idea- at ALL- if they are coming back today or it will be like this until Monday.  It's got to be done, so we will live with it.  I know the holes will be patched as soon as it's possible ( unlike the LAST manager who fixed the leak but left a gaping hole in my kitchen ceiling that my son-in-law finally fixed ( he told me HE was tired of looking at it and thought I deserved better)

So, my beloved Dodgers are out.  This means only one thing.  GO BOSTON!!!!  Not rooting for the Cards.  BLEH.  Besides, my Mom was a Sox fan ( well Ted Williams at any rate)  You know the rallying cry of Dodger fans is "WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR" anyway.  I really thought they had a chance this year.  That's baseball.

But it's going to be a beautiful day out there.  I need to get my act together for the day we have planned.  I may drown my Dodger-less Series sorrow in a Fudgie or two.

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