Thursday, October 10, 2013

Books and Movies

So many books, so little time.  I have not been sleeping well, AGAIN and by the time I get home from work, get dinner done and things tidied up in the kitchen I am one whipped puppy.  So I haven't been reading.  I wonder if I could take an entire day just to lie around reading?  hmm, my idea of a nice day, I suppose.  It's not going to happen and I don't think I could do it unless there were no one in the house.  "Certain" people distract me ;)

Saw "Oz the Great and Powerful" the other day.  It was a huge flop theatrically, but it was a thought provoking movie and we had quite a discussion afterward.  Most of it centered around the books of L. Frank Baum and what the character of the wizard was like in this film.  It was beautifully filmed, although we all agreed that as the "wicked Witch"  Mila Kunis' makeup COULD have been better.  James Franco was passable as the wizard.  I wonder if it were not meant to be seen in 3D, the effects were pretty cool, the story rather predictable but what do you expect from a Wizard of Oz themed film.  You can't re-invent the basic character of the wizard, a carnival con man, and make him a long lost prince or something.

I have about seven books I have to read.  I am enjoying them, I just keep falling asleep after about five pages.  But there IS hope for me.  MONDAY is a holiday!!!!

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