Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Watching old movies, Falling down stairs

I have been watching old movies from the 40's lately, specifically I watched Casablanca a few weeks ago and the Maltese Falcon this weekend.  The thing I love about old movies , vs today's films, is that they are more character and dialogue driven.  Not so much  about special effects and action, like car chases, but more about the storyline.  I must confess that I didn't like the Maltese Falcon as much as I thought I would.  Bogie's character is discussed as a sympathetic man, but he's cheating with his partner's wife, stringing along his secretary and "charms" the Mary Astor character into believing he has feelings for her.   He takes his partner's name off the door before the poor guy's body is cold.I wondered how the homosexual reference from Mary Astor to Peter Lorre slipped past the Hayes Office.  If the movie were made today, we would have seen car chases and explosions and the inevitable sequel, with Sidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre in a classic  "buddy" picture, with them cavorting all over the Middle East in search of "the black bird".  I will have to watch it again and maybe read the book, as I understand the novel is MUCH darker.  I much prefer Bogie's Rick from Casablanca, a seeming hard boiled, world weary sort, who has a soft spot;he helps the young couple win enough at the roulette wheel to escape Casablanca without the wife having to do something with that horrid police captain. I like Rick.  For Sam Spade, the jury's still out.

On Saturday, I fell down the stairs at McGroarty Arts Center.  Lucky for me, I know how to fall, so there is minimal damage to my knees.  It hurts and I am pretty sore, but unbroken.  It ruined my night, somewhat, as I was planning on homemade pizza and I couldn't do it.  Still I enjoyed the Roundtable pizza my husband picked up and watching the ball game with a friend was a lot of fun ( it would have been MORE fun if Boston had won and the game not ended on that weird call.)  Ah well, as they say "That's baseball!"

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