Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday morning, A rant I have held in draft for a while.

I really don't mean to just write a rant but these are the things that are bothering me.

Now that the stupid shutdown has been lifted and we have three months until this crap happens AGAIN, I have to say this;  I am SICK of politics.  I am SICK of the finger-pointing and posturing and misinformation being oozed out by every side of the non-debate debate.  If they spent MORE time working and less time being gits, this would have been solved a LONG time ago. The fact that they are blaming OBAMA, when according to the LAW, only the HOUSE has the power to cause a shutdown just plays more to the misinformation and shadow games in American Politics.  My cousin is here from England and when we were talking about it, I had to confess I didn't really get everything that was going on either.  It made my head swim.

I have been trying for TWO DAYS to get my prescription refilled.  It's cheaper if you do it online, but the online system says I can't order the meds.  My doc wrote the prescription at the beginning of October, but as I still has some left, we adjusted the dose and I NOW need to refill.  No Can Do.  I was on hold for TWENTY MINUTES and still got nothing.  Computers.  A new way for large corporations to piss you off!  The website is a JOKE.  I can't even FIND the number for my pharmacy ( there are a zillion of them) without jumping through a bunch of back doors.  Seriously?  I am a semi-professional researcher.  What would the average person do?

Why do people in cube-farms think that other people can't hear their conversations on the phone?  I have an office mate who constantly uses the hands-free speakerphone and SHOUTS.  I was trying to concentrate yesterday- working on something fairly detailed, and I just COULDN'T  Normally, it's ok.  Yesterday was just a really off day.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  I came home to a kitchen full of plaster dust and a broken kitchen fan.  It was a small cheapy one so I have no idea if the plaster dust was the problem or it just gave up the ghost.  Small price to pay for rust free water and no leaking toilet!

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