Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday morning.

It's Sunday morning, I've had two cups of coffee and the house is quiet.  I need to write something, ANYTHING, so I put my fingers on the keys and .. GO.  Sometimes it's like that.  I just open up my brain and words tumble out.  Sometimes I start with an idea in mind and really have something specific to say and sometimes I just babble.  Today is a babble sort of blog.

I am reading a book written by my friend, Kevin Sutton.  It's called "Dear Midol" and it is a series of essays about being the father of five daughters.  In his introduction he asserts "My wife is a saint"  as I read, I have to agree with him.  Ellen is a tolerant woman.  If Kevin were married to me , he'd have to sleep with one eye open.  Thankfully, this is not the case.  The book is very funny, as is Kevin, but I can't seem to finish it.  I have been burning my candle at both ends lately and yesterday I slept about ten hours.  I need to be cloned.  I think I am overbooking myself, so in the next few weeks, I think I am going to scale back some of my activities and actually have a "Day of Rest" Yeah.  Right.   This week's activities include:  A possible dinner with someone who is flying into LAX late tomorrow.  We will see if the stars align on that one.  Tuesday? Tai Chi class.  Wednesday? A McGroarty Board meeting and I need to do my homework on that one.  Thursday?  Dinner with friends who always make me laugh and relax.  Friday?  Ah NOTHING ON THE CALENDAR!!!!  Yes!  We have a winner.  Saturday is a lecture at Central about the reopening of the building.  I MIGHT go.  Dunno at this point.

Last night, we got together with some of our neighbors to watch "Casablanca"  I seem to be the only one who ever saw the whole movie.  It was great. We talked about how classic films from the 30's and 40's are story and character driven and how films these days rely on personality and special effects.  I am lobbying for "The Maltese Falcon" for the next one, but we will probably end up watching something SciFi.  It's all good.   We have dinner first at Casa Myers. I made homemade pizza.  It's pretty good.  The dough takes forever to make, but it's worth the effort in my book. 

Planning a lazy sort of day today.  I have a few things that MUST be done, but I am factoring in a long read and a bit of a siesta in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. You need someone to watch The Maltese Falcon with? I'm your girl! I'll BRING my copy :-). It's one of my faves along with Casablanca, The Quiet Man, and almost anything with Bette Davis.


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