Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend adventures

Friday night, Chris and I went to see Hamlet presented by the Los Angeles Women's Shakespeare Company. As I said, it is a marvelous production and I am hoping to see it again with friends this Sunday.  It is a unique slant on the classic piece ( who KNEW Rosenkrantz was a lady?- It WORKED!)  I urge you to see it, in any case.  We need to support local theater.

On the way there, the GPS decided to take us to Torrance rather than West LS- who knows why, but we figured it out BEFORE we went the wrong way.  We needed to grab a bite to eat and stopped at a Fatburger.  Now I ask you, WHO in their right minds names a business FAT burger.  It sounds so.. unappetizing. But the thing is a chain and I hadn't been to one in ages, so in we went.  I got the chicken strips  with ranch dressing on the side.  They were ok, nice and crispy and not greasy, which is a bonus. CHRIS should have read the sign as to just what they put on the burger.  He HATES pickles and mustard.  He asked for NO pickles, so they loaded it with pickle relish.  YUCK ( I really hate pickle relish)  There was also a sea of mustard.  We used more than a few napkins to try to clear the burger of the unwanted condiments.  He liberally doused it with BOTH kinds of Tabasco, which were at the table, but there was no ketchup, which I found odd.  The had this really weird soda dispenser.  It had about a gillion types of soda it dispensed.  I got orange sparkling water, which had a little TOO much orange and not enough water. It had screen after screen of choices.  I felt a bit overwhelmed. I might have been more amused if we didn't have about 15 minutes to eat.

Sunday at Yuca's, sitting at the sidewalk table was a wonderful way to wind down.  It was a lovely day, not too hot and the food was, as always, terrific.  It's always good to celebrate with friends!

LA Friends.  We have a friend who is moving to LA and will probably be looking for work in the next few weeks.  Any leads on Administrative/office work would be appreciated!

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