Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday evening

OK, so I am annoyed today.  Maybe I need a vacation.  My patience is as thin as hospital soup.  Stuff that bugs me:

There is a cot room on our floor in the library.  People are supposed to be able to rest if they need it.  I often use it to take my "power nap" which helps me focus and get through the day.  I really HATE it when I go to the cot room only to find someone reading ( there are other couches for that) or lying back on the couch chatting on the phone.  OK, it's not MY room or anything and there are others who use it for it's intended purpose.  It just bugs me to have to lie on the floor or on the other couch in the middle of the kitchen if I am not feeling well ( and I wasn't today!)

For the past week or so, I have been getting calls from the Monitoring Center about one of the branches.  I open a job ticket and when the tech gets there, there is nothing in the system and it is clear.  The tech and I weer puzzled about this, until today.  TODAY I got a call from the senior complaining about the system.  She said "it's been going off every day and I reset it but it does it again the next day.  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!  When you RESET it, you erase the history.  THAT explains it.  I emailed the tech.

I am on the election committee for my union ( I'm the chair)  Today we had a meeting to review the candidate paperwork and put together the slate.  We need to do this NOW, as it is time critical. We got there and the staff had thoughtfully provided dinner and all the paperwork so that we would get out parking covered and the meeting stipend that our union allows.  What WASN'T there was the freaking candidate paperwork.  We searched but it was not to be found!

I came home and Chris was making dinner ( I had made a meatloaf in the morning and it was in the fridge waiting for whoever came home first to pop it in the oven) but the oven wasn't working and by the time we got it lit we were starving.  The meatloaf came out just fine and I had a nice bottle of Chateau St Jean Cabernet to mellow me out.  JUST what the doctor ordered.


  1. Oh, hell. Was that mine? It's already on my agenda for the next area meeting. I could have sworn we talked about it already, but that might have just been with my new seniors.

  2. Yep.
    and she won't do it again, nor will she call the monitoring company to complain about it. I really was rather stern with her about what procedure is.


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