Saturday, September 7, 2013

Los Angeles Women's Shakespeare Company's Production of Hamlet

Let me first say that I really love the idea behind the Women's Shakespeare Company, so I was thrilled to be able ( via a Facebook post) to attend a Preview night last evening.

Chris and I had a little GPS adventure, but we both had a better idea than our stupid mechanical directional device and we made it there in good time (with time enough to stop and get a burger at Fatburger- which will be another post).

The Odyssey Theater is a small venue, but apparently had TWO shows running last evening.  The lobby was JAM PACKED and I wondered how so many people would get in to see the play, especially when we went in and the theater was nearly full and there were still scads of folks milling about.

I had read the play in High School and in college, but I don't think I have ever seen it performed.  I was looking forward to seeing Lisa Wolpe as Hamlet.  I always enjoy Lisa's performances and this time was no exception.  She was riveting as the tormented prince.  Chastity Dodson as the luminous Ophelia was wonderful, especially in her " mad speech".  There were some hiccups, as befits a preview night, but all in all a wonderful adaptation of the classic play.  The sparse set worked very well and the costuming is gorgeous.

So, if you love Shakespeare- GO!  If you've never seen Shakespeare- GO!  If you love local theater- GO! If you've never experienced local theater- GO!  I think we have tickets for an upcoming performance and I am looking forward to seeing it again!

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