Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon

It's Sunday and I have been a lazy thing all day, I took a nap upstairs, I took a nap on the couch. It's not the heat, it's the humidity.  ugh.  I am wiped out for no good reason.  Thinking about making an iced coffee so I can get some much needed work done.

I'll try to muster the energy.

In the meantime, a few thoughts on nothing in particular.

Recently I have been reminded of the old adage that you should sleep on a letter for twentyfour hours before sending it.  In this day of instant everything, people seem to forget that you should still  wait to cool down before posting that angry rant on Facebook, or sending that vitriolic email out.  It can only come to no good.  Recently I had a conversation with one friend in a group who said she was angry and would be sending a "sternly worded" email to the group.  I encouraged her not to, thought she would think my words over and was sadly surprised when I got the email from her, not FOUR MINUTES later.  Sigh.  I also "lost" a friend who sent many a misguided post and email and then seemed surprised that the outcome was not in his favor.  I tried to explain, but my email, I fear, was deleted or not taken to heart. It's frustrating!

I tried to read J.K. Rowling's book, "The Casual Vacancy"  The book is, in a word, depressing.  Not one character in it is not in some way dysfunctional.  Despair seems to cling to every surface. There is very little hope in the resolution.  I wonder if the book would have been published at all without her name attached to it.  She must have wondered the same thing, as her next book was published under a nom de plume. There is only one semi-likeable character in the whole book.  There are a LOT of characters.  I was having a bit of trouble tracking them and had to keep going back as the relationships are fuzzy in spots.  I am also reading "City of Saints' about a grizzly murder of a socialite in Salt Lake City in the 1930's  It's got good pacing and is supposed to be based on real life events.   I promise a full review when I finish it.

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